OK. Thinking backwards to try and present this in the order that it happened. So that when seen on this blog site it goes from beginning to end. That seems to always be a problem; I forget that the posts go from bottom up… So I begin with the beginning where I started, and build on that, and when I get to the end, it ends up being on top. So, ok. This is the end “product”. What the new shape ended up looking like. I also began wondering why I don’t try to be more professional about what I’m doing here, and saw that what I’m doing is just being who I am. Let’s see if I can explain this. The whole idea behind this Monument for Humanity is that Humanity is one. Made up of billions of people, all quite different, right? And so if we’re to see that all of us different characters are all equally valid within the one body of Humanity, where the dumbest is just as valuable (?) as the brightest, then to try and present my self as being something “special” is ludicrous. So I’m just me. And this new shape is sort of funky at this stage. What I was exploring was the idea of the shape being such that the outside was visibly connected to the inside. Where they interacted. Interpenetrated. Outside and inside not too separated by solid walls. Seems we spend an awful lot of out time inside. Separated from the Natural world. Inside a cool space when it’s hot outside. In warmth when it’s cold. And this separation somehow subconsciously creates the objectification of the natural world, where it becomes something that we’re not so much a part of, but a world that we use for whatever purposes we deem necessary. So that was one idea.